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Cat Nine History

Wow you're actually reading this? Nice. Anyway how it all started, Cat Nine came from my scrawlings at the back of my notebook, just something to distract me while not paying attention to the teachers(who hasn't done that?) But that "first edition" is something you're all probably familiar with. A typical loser guy and lots of girls. So in actuality, Cat Nine has already started since 2004. Hmm, remind me to scan those.

Why make it?

Now I've changed it cause having matured a bit(I'd like to think so) and frankly I'm tired of harem anime. Well actually there's another reason for this comic. I needed a new way to practice cause I seem to get bored easily with the "normal" way so I decided to make this comic cause I'll be able to practice my artwork, as well as writing, site design and animations, as well as some 3d in the future. So far it's working well.

About The Comic

I just wanted to make a comic about a guy, and his cat and they do all the typical stuff a owner and his pet will do. That's it. Obviously I've expanded it a bit.

Now it's about a guy and his cat, which accidentaly turned into a catgirl thanks to a rather clumsy fairy. Sorry I can't fill in the details yet for the sake of spoilers and well, I don't know myself cause I'm writing it as I go.

About the Author

Government warning, staring at this is dangerous to your health.

Name: Kevin
Born: October 25, 1991
Age: 17(whee)
Nationality: Filipino, and damn proud of it :D
Country: The Philippines
AKA: Lazylonewolf, radstylix

Lazy and a loner(duh). I love video games, anime and sports if there's really nothing to do. I tend to not work cause I'm to busy playing or watching, which is a leading cause of delays. I learned to draw accidentaly by drawing my characters from Ragnarok Online. I'm currently taking Multimedia Arts as my course and in my sophomore year.

Frequently Asked Questions

How come you drew Myan with hair at first?
I didn't know how to draw cats, or anything well for that matter. And because I didn't know how to draw cats(especially in anime style), I tried to copy someone else's(Shampoo from Ranma 1/2).

How often do you update?

I try to update at least once a week, if I can that is. If there's no update, I'm probably too lazy and/or drowning in schoolwork.

What does the "Transcribe This Comic!" button do?

Well, it enables you to help by writing the comic's transcription so it will show up in the comic's search engine.

By transcribing, you can just type something like "Myan eating ice cream" and it will display transcribed pages that have that. Here's an example of a transcription if you want to help:

[[Keith standing inside the door]]
Cat-girl: [[From outside]] Meow!! <<scratch, scratch>>

Keith: [[opening the door]] what..?

[[Cat-girl with big puppy-dog-eyes nearly crying]]

Keith: Um..please don't...

Cat-girl: [[crying]] <<Nyahhhh!!>>
Keith: ...cry

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